travel tips . 24 Oct 2015 . Ernest

You Missed Your Flight?-Do This

You are rushing to meet your flight and then this emergency came up or the traffic held you. You are sweating even though the car is air-conditioned and you are so angry and frustrated because you are definitely going to miss your flight. You have wasted your money and time and now you have to postpone your travel. To compound your woes, the ticket you bought was a non-refundable ticket. We know exactly what you can do in such a situation.

* First Thing is to Relax*

This is not the end of the world. Yes, you might have missed important money or wasted money which may be painful. No one is excited missing their flight. The first thing that you can do when such happens to you is to relax and calm your nerve. There is no need trying to get angrier than you are because you would end up hurting yourself.

Call those who are waiting for you

You have accepted that you missed your flight; you should call those who may be waiting for you and your family members that you could not make it. You should apologize to those you may have disappointed and make a new arrangement.

Related >> Things to Do at Nigeria Airports While Waiting for Your Flight

Reschedule Your Flight

This is the next step after you have missed your initial flight. Go to the ticket office and politely tell them that you missed your flight and would want to reschedule it. They can ask you for a token and you may be lucky to leave the same day after they have fixed another flight for you.

You Should Come Early to Airport

You must have learned about the frustrations of missing your flight. You would not want to experience it again which means that you have to come early to airport. Missing your flight the second time is not going to be fun, not to you or the ticket office. This means that you should beat all hurdles to make sure that you are on the reschedule flight. If it means relocating to a near-airport hotel, do so. If your airport is in Lagos or Abuja, you can book an airport hotel in Lagos or an airport hotel in Abuja. Airport hotels are hotels within few miles around the airport.

Make Contact

Now that you are ready to move, make quick calls to assure those at the end of the other side that you are coming to meet them without another sorry story. Make arrangements with your hotel which might be an airport hotel in Lagos or an airport hotel in Abuja to ensure you don’t wake up late.

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