jos . 29 Oct 2015 . Ernest

Things You May Love About Jos

We are always talking about Calabar that it may look as if the charms of Jos is waning. This is not true because Jos still commands a lot of respects among the other capitals in the country. Do you know that Jos is the city of captivating landscapes? Jos has become a city that has been described as a temperate and romantic climate with gorgeous landmarks and geography where fun seekers come to have fun. These are some of the things that you may love about Jos.

Jos Wildlife Park

One of the oldest tourist sites in Jos is Jos Wildlife Park where you are going to see a lot of animals like the lions, elephants, hyenas, cattle, crocodiles, pythons, baboons, water turtles, monkeys, jackals, chimpanzees and many other animals. Kids can come here and have a great time.

Riyom Rock

It is in a town called Riyom that we find this landmark called Riyom rock. The appearance of this rock is what would amaze you. It is prearranged by Mother Nature in such a way that you would wonder which artist created it.

Jos Plateau

This is a tableland that has an altitude of 1, 280 metre that is above the sea level. This is what makes Jos Plateau an amazing place to visit. It is located at the centre of Jos and got these amazing rock formations that would catch your fancy.

The Weather

The northern weather is not friendly and this is one of the reasons a lot of Nigerians are not excited coming to here. But Jos is different, totally different that you may be wondering if this place is really the north you have heard about. Jos is calm and temperate in its weather. This is one of the few places in the country where apples and other temperate fruits can be grown.

Jos Museum

The people of Jos Museum love the Nok culture and you can see the relics in this museum. It is not only the Nok culture that you are going to find here but so many artifacts and paintings that date back to the pre-colonial time.

Assop Waterfall

Assop Waterfall is located in Hawan Kibo. It has a warm and inviting ambiance with its lavishly greenish landscape that has become a spot for social events and picnic. The waterfall is great and has become a hub for people who are coming for excursions and sightseeing.

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