Road Travel . 27 Oct 2015 . Ernest

Tourist Guide for a Nigeria’s Safe Road Travel

The truth is always there are limitations to the use of flights all over the world. You may cheat time while you are on a flight from one part of the world to another. Journeys that may have taken you six months can be done within hours with flights. However, there are some journes that are best suited for road travel, especially if you are in Nigeria. Road travel can be intriguing in Nigeria if you know what to do when you are embarking on such trip. Here are some tips to help make your future road trips smooth and convenient.

Arrive at the Terminal Early

Do not wait to be late in a Nigeria bus terminal because you may not like the experience. To beat difficulties and unnecessary challenges with touts or bus drivers, make sure that you are early at a bus terminal. This is what would give you the leverage that you may need to handle your travelling logistics. It is easier to make rearrangements when you are early to jumping into a bus in a hurry while you must have forgotten something important at home.

Your Luggage is Your Friend

Some people may offer to come help you if you are in a park like Aba, Lagos or Onitsha where passenger poachers are looking out for people like you who want to travel. You should have a luggage package that you can hold on to while you move. Do not mind them especially if you have a bus company that you are going to use. You may end up a prey in the hands of predators in the middle of a civilised world if these poachers take advantage of you.

Don’t Drink or Eat Too Much

It would be best you stay away from heavy eating and drinking when you are about to make a road journey in the country. The driver may be too impatient to entertain restroom breaks. The little buses do not have convenience rooms either, which means that you are going to pay dearly if you have bowel problem on the road.

Window seats are great seats

We tell you this; pick the window side to avoid the inconvenience that may come with occupying on the aisle. If it is a long bus, it is going to be best you take the window seats, especially if your bus will pick up passengers along the road. You may have spent some amount of money for comfort but that may be heavily threatened if other passengers are constantly walking past or brushing against you.

Be Security Conscious

It is important that you are conscious of where you are and where you are heading to. It is not every passenger that is clean which means that you and your luggage should be safe. Do not take any drink from passengers you do not know. It may be poisoned especially in the night.

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