Tourist Spots in Nigeria . 28 Oct 2015 . Ernest

Incredible Things to do in Ikogosi Warm Spring

Have you been to Ikogosi Warm Spring before? This is one of the most fascinating places you can ever visit in Nigeria. This warm spring is located in a place called Ikogosi in Ekiti State. The most amazing thing about this place is that a hot spring meets a cold spring which is what brings curious people here. It is not the only thing that is great about coming here. Whether you are planning for leisure, trip or meeting, this is where you should be. There is no airport in Ekiti which leaves you with the road.

Have Pleasure Here

This is a perfect spot for lovers and families. The environment has been naturally designed to make you feel loved. Mother Nature is always waiting for you with exploration activities that would make you forget every other thing outside this environment.

See the Warm Spring

It is not everyone that have seen a warm spring before. The water you are going to meet is warm and in another part, it is cold. You would see the meeting point where the temperature would decline to 37oC. This meeting point is where everyone wants to see. You can place your hands inside this point and have bewilderment feelings. It is believed that taking your bath here can cure illnesses and drinking this water is believed to have potent power.

Relax Here

The spectacular ambiance environment is what would give you that relaxation you desire in a green landscape that is beautiful. This is where calmness and tranquility is maintained. You can easily unwind in this place with lots of things you can do.

Have a Comfortable Night Rest

Ikogosi Warm Spring has chalets and hotels that are home-sweet-home. The commodious rest rooms are well designed to make you feel at home. You would enjoy the amenities that have been provided to ensure that your night is without stress.

Eat and Drink Healthy

You would have a lot of foods and drinks that are healthy here. Pick your brand and enjoy your meal as you watch the landscapes. Watching the sun set and rise can be so real here.


Oh Yeah! You can party here. This is what you can always remember at the end of the day, pick your dancing shoes and step in for a party.

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