Activities . 14 Mar 2017 . Isu Mohammed

Top 10 Things To Do in Kano

Created in 1967, Kano is one of the oldest states in Nigeria and its people, one of the oldest civilizations in recorded Nigerian history. It is commonly referred to as ?the commercial nerve center of Northern Nigeria?. Kano is the second largest state by population in Nigeria, lagging only Lagos. ?The state is well known for exceeding expectations of travelers with its lovely landscapes and legendary sites. We have compiled a list of the top 10 things to do in Kano to help you explore the City.

1. Visit Tiga Dam/ Rock Castle
Tiga Dam, Kano State

Tiga dam is one of the well-known attractions in Kano. Over the years it has proven to be one of the more interesting places to visit while in the grand city and it continues to garner tourists. Visitors can go on a boat cruise or even try their hands at fishing. At the extreme end of the dam is Rock Castle Hotel which was originally built to host Queen Elizabeth and her entourage during her visit to Nigeria in 1960.

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2. Horse Riding at Kano Durbar
Horse Riding at Kano Durbar

The Kano Durbar is an exciting ceremony celebrated twice a year to mark the Muslim Salah celebrations. It?s a pulsating display of resplendently dressed horses. All eyes are usually on the Emir and his subjects who ride around the city in an entertaining fashion. If you are lucky enough to be in Kano at the right time of the year, endeavor to be part of this rich cultural festival.

3. Fashion at the Dyeing Pit
Dyeing Pits at Kano

Do you ever wonder how those beautiful fabrics you like so much are made? Yes? Then you absolutely must visit one of the numerous dying pits. In ancient Kano, dyeing fabrics were one of the most lucrative occupations as people came from far and wide to buy these beautiful fabrics. You can learn how cloth-dyeing is done and buy something to show the people at home.

4. Explore Nature at Falgore Game Reserve
Game at the Falgore game reserve, Kano

Spanning 1,000 kilometers, this wide life reserve has been in existence since 1949. Come along with a camera and capture great pictures of animals like the Jackal, Leopard, Serval, Hartebeest, Bushbaby, spotted Hyena, Buffalo, Warthog, Oribi, Red-fronted Gazelle, Green Monkey, Patas monkey, Red-flanked dulker and Bushbuck just to mention a few, as they wander around in the wild.

5. Shopping at Kurmi Market
Kurmi market, Kano

Pronounced the oldest market in Nigeria and one of the oldest in Africa, the Kurmi market was established about 400 years ago by Emir Muhammadu Rumfa to promote the Trans-Sahara trade. It is an expansive market with a maze of tiny alleys to make the search for the best things to buy from your Kano trip that much more exciting. ?Pottery, leather products, ancient pieces of jewelry, calabashes and brass works are among the things sold at the market.

6. Climbing at Dala Hills
Dala hills, Kano

Dala hills served as home to the very first settlers in Kano. It was here that the original dwellers built their homes using the hills as models. Some of the structures still stand to date and the hills have retained their tourism values.

7. Visit the Kano Wall
The Great Kano city wall

This is one of the oldest and most intricate parts of the city. Built over 600 years ago, the wall stands 18 meters high and covers an area of radius 14 kilometers. Maybe not as magnificent as the Great Wall of China, the wall still did well to protect the city during its wars. ?Personally one of my favorite things about Kano, I advise that every traveler make an effort to check this out.

8. Learn at the Gidan Makama Museum
Gidan Makama musuem, Kano
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Formerly serving as home to the Emir, Converted into a museum to tell the rich history of Kano. The artifacts on display around the museum tell the story of Kano from the pre-colonial era and the city?s transition into more modern times. The different sections of the Museum hold different kinds of Nigerian art and crafts. Originally built in the 15th century, it has become a National monument. The museum preserves Hausa and Fulani tradition.

9. Eat at a Local Restaurant

Tuwo shinkafar

The best way to explore a city remains to explore its delicacies. You should take time out to enjoy the indigenous cuisines at one of the local restaurants and discover for yourself if the reputation of Tuwo shinkafa precedes it. You also get the chance to taste suya and Kilishi prepared by the people that pioneered it.

10. Take a stroll

When it comes down to it, there is perhaps no better way to explore the Kano than on foot. You never know what you might find in the streets of the ancient city.

Do you think our list is lacking in any way? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. Get amazing deals on all your favorite hotels when you Book hotels in Kano on

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