amusement parks . 14 Mar 2017 . Isu Mohammed

The Top 10 Things To Do On Lagos Mainland

The Lagoon divides Lagos into two parts; The island and the mainland.?Three major bridges link the Lagos Island and Lagos mainland. The Island is regarded as the happening part of Lagos even though the Mainland is much larger and populated. This is because the island boasts of dozens of interesting places to visit as a Nigerian or a visiting tourist, But that is not to say that the Lagos Mainland is excluded from all the fun. Not all the fun places are in Lekki, there are cool places to hang out in Ikeja as well. This is a list of the top 10 things to do in Lagos without crossing the Lagoon.

Visit the Ikeja City Mall

Ikeja City mall, Lagos Ikeja City Mall, located in Alausa, Ikeja, is the number one shopping Mall on the Lagos Mainland. There are over 100 stores to be found here meaning it?s a great place to find all the things you?d like to buy. ?Among the stores are a 5 screen Silverbird Cinema hall and Shoprite supermarket. ?It also includes specialist facilities for department stores, banks, bars, restaurants and so much more. It?s a great place to visit with friends and there is never a dull moment.

Grab a bite at Domino's Pizza, Ikeja

Domino's Pizza, Ikeja Domino's pizza has arguably the largest chain of any pizza restaurant in Lagos and in extension, Nigeria. They offer a wide range of pizza toppings and sides and it is a great place to take your family out or you can simply order from the comfort of your house. There are over 8 ?branches on the Lagos mainland. call 09024097929 to book a hotel

Visit KalaKuta Museum

Showcase at Kalakuta museum on Lagos mainland This is the former home of the iconic Afrobeat legend, Femi Anikulapo-Kuti. ?The family of the late musician and human rights activist?converted it into this legacy preserving museum. Everything in the house remains intact all the way down to Fela?s underwear in his bedroom. Photographs of Fela and the clothes he wore while still alive, as well as his saxophones and other properties of his, are on display in the museum.

Watch a movie at Ozone Cinemas

Watch a movie at Ozone cinemas on the mainland Watching a movie with friends is always an exciting thing to do on your free days. This cinema has 4 screens and was the first multiplex cinema to be built on the mainland. The cinema shows movies in both 2D and 3D and has great acoustics to accompany the great quality of the Dolby surround sound system.

Go paintballing at Ziggie?s, Magodo

Paintballing at Ziggie's Magodo on the mainland Paintballing is an exciting, blood pumping team sport. It?s a great activity to treat your team to, perhaps on a company retreat or you can go with friends. Ziggies is situated in ?Magodo and is one of the newer paintballing outlets. Choose?Ziggies as your paintball spot and you'll have an amazing time.

University of Suya

You know that succulent beef you bought from Musa yesterday night? Well, this is where it went for a master?s degree. The University of Suya, located along Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos serves arguably the best suya in Lagos and there are numerous testimonies to back the claim. Umaru Abdullahi owns the suya shop and it is one of the biggest suya spots in Lagos.

Gyrate at New Africa Shrine

Gyration at new Afrikan shrine, Ikeja, Mainland Go forth and gyrate to great music at the New Afrika Shrine. Bust out some sweet shoki as you move to the electrical sound from performances by the Anikulapo-Kuti children, who make regular appearances at the shrine. Femi Kuti?s Thursday night shows are free and every last Saturday of the month Seun Kuti also comes and does his stuff.

Have fun at Apapa Amusement Park

Apapa amusement park, Lagos Mainland The recently renovated Apapa amusement park is a great recreational centre with fun activities for the entire family. The park features a large number of rides such as bumper cars, air bicycles, pirate ships, disco wheels, carousel and so much more. The prices of rides start?from as little as N400 and can cost as much as N1200. It houses an event centre and a hotel is being built for travelling tourists. call 09024097929 to book a flight

Explore Legacy Railway?Museum

Lagos railway museum The Railway Museum has been in existence since the late 1990s and is situated in the Railway Compound. The Railway Corporation established the Museum for the purpose of preserving old carriage wagon, running shed, old steam locomotives and steam cranes. Admission into the museum costs N200 for adults and N100 for children.

Tour Festac Town

Built for participants of the festival of arts and culture in 1977, Festac is now home to many Lagosians from different works of life. The community has a very rich cultural heritage and?a host of fun attractions including the popular Funtastica land. That?s our list guys. What do you think?

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