Tourist Spots in Abeokuta . 24 Oct 2015 . Ernest

Quick Guide to Ijebu Ode

Have you been to Ijebu Ode before? Ijebu Ode is a receptive, peaceful and tranquil town with an enticing cuisine, hospitality and festivals that attract tourists to it. It is located in Ogun State and is only about 100km from Lagos. The famous Olumo Rock, also in Ogun State, is only about 90km away from Ijebu Ode. In this post, we'll be looking at some of the things to look out for when you visit the city.

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The Ojude-Oba Festival

If you want to fully know what it feels to be an Ijebu person, come to the Ojude Oba Festival that is celebrated with pomp. This is the day that the people set aside to honour their king and commemorate the traditions, culture and values of the people. The founding fathers of Ijebu Ode are recognized during this festival. You should try and book your hotel room before time to avoid missing some of the finest rooms in the city.

The Culture of the People

The Ijebu Ode people are lovers of culture and would go all the way to ensure that they celebrate with the best attires and fashion. You would see their women with deftly plaited hairstyles. The people have a rich culture that is respected. It is not here that you can play around when it comes to tradition, the people here are religious and would not stand any disrespect to what they believe.

Sumptuous Cuisine

Try and taste the local delicacies that are prepared by the locals. Take for instance the Ifokere, which is the water yam porridge that tastes so good in the mouth. You would find kids struggle over this meal. You can ask of it in any local eatery in the town. Aside this meal, there are other local delicacies that you may want to taste

Unwinding Joints

Are you restless, tired or getting bored? Do not worry because Ijebu Ode has some of the finest tourist getaways in the Western Nigeria. You can visit some great places that would not pose challenge with crowd control. Ijebu Ode is endowed with great tourist attractions.

Hotels in Ijebu Ode

Ijebu Ode also has the added advantage of being a city replete with good and affordable hotels for the traveler or tourist to lodge in when they arrive. Looking to visit the city soon and are worried that accommodation might be a problem - especially if you're on a lean budget? No worries then, as there are lots of Ijebu Ode hotels that you could choose from.

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