Hacks . 26 Nov 2019 . Rejoice Obike

A Guide to buying gadgets in Computer village, Ikeja

Computer Village Ikeja is known to be the biggest gadget market in West Africa.

It is one of the popular places in Nigeria to buy electronics, cell phones and other types of electronic devices. The market is situated within a small area of Otigba, Ikeja, the capital city of Lagos.

Before Otigba became a market for tech products, it was just a stretch of farmlands in the 1960s. Due to the road construction by the Ikeja Local Government in Otigba, the area attracted some activity and eventually, office spaces started springing up. The capital city began to buzz with commercial activity, and many traders and technology enthusiasts started to set up shops in Otigba, seeing the area?s potential as a hub for selling and buying of tech products.

Traders in Computer Village

Computer Village Ikeja currently houses over 3,000 Information Technology (IT) SMEs. Computer Village has won its reputation as the biggest market in Nigeria for the buying and selling of IT accessories. Apart from the sale of accessories, computer village is also renowned for the repair of computers and mobile phones. That?s why it is known to be the Lagos home of computer engineers and phone technicians.

Computer Village is made up of streets lined with multistory buildings, and you would find phone and computer technicians inside these buildings.  From the entrance of the market, a number of boys fiercely pursue customers, aggressively convincing them to patronize them. The number of buyers that come to the market is enormous, and most times they have little or no information about the particular product they look forward to purchasing, hence making them victims of fraud one way or the other.

Computer village, if viewed from another angle, can be said to be the streets of dishonest hustlers. Therefore, as a buyer it is key to know your way around making purchases in computer village.

These tips will help you shop for gadgets at Ikeja Computer Village without much hassle:

Ask a lot of questions when buying second-hand items

When buying secondhand gadgets like UK-used laptops and phones in Computer Village, you need to completely avoid bogus sellers. It?s important to have a lot of information about the product or seller. If you are a first-timer, you will have to do a lot of market research, and find out which dealers are authorized to sell such a product. For instance, if you plan to buy an iPhone, there are things to look out for which are necessary for you to know when getting from an authorized reseller to avoid buying a fake. You can visit to verify the phone you decide to buy from any dealer in Computer Village.

Buying UK used phones

Asking questions helps you spot some glaring red flags that would signal you to stay away from purchasing such gadget. First, if the prices are too good to be true or outrageously cheap then that?s a red flag. To know if the price is right, check out different sellers to see what the usual range is. If the price deviates too much from the usual price range, it?s advisable to walk away. And also, ask the seller a lot of specific questions like: What are the gadget?s defects and why (s)he is selling at that price? If the sellers are not able to give a convincing answer then you should not buy from them.

Check warranty  

Buying a gadget that has no warranty in Computer Village is something you should not do.  No matter how much a seller tries to sweet talk you into buying from them, always check for warranties. Ask to see it before buying any gadget from any of the dealers.  You are entitled to have at least a service warranty, which means you can have your gadget repaired if you find any defects. Or there should be at least a replacement warranty for a period of time. Aside from warranty information, you should also check the store?s return policy whether it is favorable before you make your purchase.

Beware of scammers  

Without any doubt, scam is very prominent in Ikeja Computer Village. Like every other major market, Computer Village has its own crop of fraudulent people. Not every dealer is fraudulent but you should be on the watch-out all the time.

Unqualified engineers and fraudsters take advantage of the ever-busy market to sell counterfeit products or services. At some point, some have sold stolen phones and electronic devices. These unlawful acts are usually perpetrated by unregistered traders and retailers, mostly those you find on the streets that do not have a specific shop location.

Visitors to Computer Village should bear in mind that there are two major categories of sellers: the registered and the unregistered (free) traders.

It is advisable for you to buy or repair your gadget at a proper shop. If you are not familiar with the market, go with a tech expert or a regular buyer who knows good dealers of the particular gadget you are looking to purchase.  

Use a secure payment method

When buying gadgets in computer village, it is better to pay with your credit card than cash. It is safer transacting with your credit card because there have been a lot of stories of customers who have been scammed when paying with cash. Fraudulent sellers often take cash from customers only to suddenly change their mind about selling and immediately offer to return the cash. This may sound cool, until you check the returned cash and notice lots of fake notes have been infused into the bundle.

Make sure to ask about what payment method is accepted. Or rather confirm the product before payment is made. Anyone that works best for you should be considered; just make sure to practice due diligence to ensure you?re getting exactly what you paid for.

You should also crosscheck all purchases before leaving the shop.

 Compare Prices

As a gadget freak looking to purchase a product in Computer Village, you must spend a considerable amount of time to find out the best prices. Deeper research would help you find out different phone prices in Computer Village and help you get the best bargains. Overpriced products don?t necessarily mean the products are good. But if the product is overly cheap, this might mean the product is fake. You can't pay 40K to get an iPhone X and expect it to work.

Comparing prices across different stores and dealers before paying will help you shop better and safer.

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