We are most delighted to welcome guests from every corner of the earth to Yanna hotels. We have impeccable services for you as well as several modern amenities to keep you warm and happy. Yanni Hotels is located at the hub of the city of Niger. We are confidently seated right at TW 15/85 Ubandoma (kolawole) Street, Tunga, Minna, Niger.
Every single thing a guest could ever search for lurks just in some corner in this hotel. Each guestroom is lavishly furnished with a big, soft and very comfortable bed, a cupboard, the floor is tiled floor is well cleaned and guestrooms are adequately spaced. Guestrooms come in different forms depending on how our guests want them! So, if you choose to visit us with your family, there would be enough room for all of you as well.
We have a well structured restaurant that strives to constantly produce scrumptious and exotic meals for your well being; while you are here, food wouldn’t be an issue, instead; you would be supplied with all the delicate meals you want.