Travel Tips to Prevent Getting Sick in Nigeria

By Ernest

05 November 2015

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The last thing on our mind when traveling is not to get sick. It is the worst thing that any holiday seeker or tourist will ever experience. Everything loses its magical touch as you fight to come back healthy while others are enjoying the moment. We know how you can avoid getting sick in Nigeria if you are traveling.

*Take Flight Precautions *

You should know that dehydration takes place during long flights to Nigeria or any other country. You should try and stay hydrated and also eat very light with no alcohol or coffee and little sugar in your system until you get down from the plane. You should take little walks hourly during your long flight to avoid getting blood clot in your legs.

Eat Nutritiously

The root of health issues during a long flight or travel is inadequate diet. You need protein to fight for you while you move; it is recommended that you get a good diet that is balanced to ensure that the essential amino acids, super vitamins and other nutrients are going to help you through your journey.

Know Where to Eat

Most travelers are loose eaters and are not aware that they are putting themselves in trouble when they eat what they should never have touched. No matter how tempting a strange meal may be for you, you should ask serious questions before eating them. Watch your hands before eating, watch your fruits and eat less while traveling.

Get Enough Sleep

Before you travel, you need a good night rest, at least 7 hours sleep. No matter how busy you may be, it is important that you sleep well before you move out the next day.


Before you leave your house for a travel, make sure that you do a quick exercise that can sustain your body while you are traveling. Sometimes, the roads or flights may be a long one and you are stuck in one place for a very long time. One of the ways that you can prevent this is when you do exercise before your traveling.

Drink Water

Water is very important while traveling in Nigeria. Nigeria is a tropical region and the sun may not always be friendly expect you are heading to a place like Jos that has a temperate climate, water is very important to be hydrated.

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