How to Pack Light for a Trip

by / 09 Dec 2015

Packing light for a trip makes life a lot easier for a frequent traveler. The ability to be able to be up and on the go in a matter of moments is one key advantage of having a habit of packing light.

Do you find yourself often arriving from a journey to discover that you over-packed for the trip? Or that you frequently have to sort out special arrangements for your luggage during trips because they never could fit in the overhead carriage? Packing light for a trip is an art not many people have mastered.

There are several reasons why people over-pack for a trip and most of them are not justified in the long run. More often than not, it is a thing of habit. If you are looking for tips on how you can travel with ease and not feel bereft of any essentials, the following should come in handy:

Get a Smaller Bag

The thing with bags is, the more space you have, the higher the propensity to fill them up - usually dispensable items. Get a bag you could easily sling on your shoulder or carry as a back pack. A good measure to use is one that you know will fit into the overhead carriage in an airplane.

Be Compact

Refrain from just tossing stuff inside your bag at will. Fold and roll clothing items properly so they fit well into the bag without air gaps in-between items. Fill up any remaining spaces with other small and essential items.

Don't Overcompensate for Utilities

Usually, when some persons are going to a new city for the first time, they over-pack out of the fear that the place they are visiting may be bereft of certain services and utilities. So, say there's someone traveling from Lagos to Abakaliki for the first time. Chances are, he'll probably pack more clothes than necessary, thinking he may not find a laundry place till he has to return to Lagos. The truth is, hotels in Abakaliki and in most places will have the basic utilities and services you're used to and places you can purchase things you need.

You Need Not Take Every Gadget Along

Depending on where you're going to, you'll need to ensure that your devices' voltage rating match that which is applicable at the destination. Some gadgets come with chargers nowadays that can switch and adjust to voltage ranges - these are the kinds you could take with you if the voltage rating in the destination country is a tad different from the one where you're at.

Use a Priority Packing System

This works in such a way that, the more essential/ubiquitous an item is, the higher its likelihood of entering the bag before another item that is less essential/ubiquitous.

Wear Your heaviest Clothing For the Trip

Say you need to wear a particular jacket or shoes to an event during your stay at the place you're visiting. The best thing to do is to put on the jacket and the shoes to the airport as trying to fit them into your bag along with the other things might be impossible. You could even stuff the pockets of the jacket with other small but essential items you need for your trip that wouldn't fit in the bag.