How to Not Get Robbed in Lagos Traffic

by / 22 Dec 2015

If you've been in Lagos for long enough, you would probably remember a time when you couldn't freely get into Lagos traffic without some adult accompanying you. Oh, you don't?
Well, maybe it was just me. I still recall when, as kids, we weren't allowed to go out much for fear of getting mugged.

Most of the fears were unfounded though.

Tales of pick pocketing and outright mugging in street corners loomed back then. Places like Oshodi and Yaba and any other highly trafficked market areas and bus stops required astute vigilance back then.

The story is quite different now though. Lagos is quite safer than it used to be. Or is it?

The Lagos State Government in November acquired new patrol cars and armoured trucks for the Police to help stem the tide of rising crime on the roads in recent months. People were literally getting mugged and robbed in traffic - and not all at night.

This post highlights some of the things you can do to improve your odds of not getting robbed in traffic.

Stop Using Your Phone by The Window or Roll up.

Window seats are cool and whatnot, but if you're in Lagos traffic, you should probably wind up if you're going to be using your phone the whole time. Urchins are lurking around to snag phones off unsuspecting passengers and then disappear into the crowd. You will not find them.

Use Regular Routes at Night

Driving home late at night? stick to regular routes and don't be tempted to take short cuts if said short cuts aren't well lit and are lonely at night.

If You're Trekking, Stick to Populated Areas

If you're moving around at night, keep out of lonely street corners and stay away from underneath bridges in areas that aren't highly populated.

Stay Viglant On the Road at all Times

While it may be difficult to not respond to that tweet, ping or instant message on your phone while you're in traffic - either in a bus or trekking (which is just weird), it is ultimately safer to pay more attention to your surroundings while you're on the go. Traffic and populated places in Lagos are akin to war zones. Don't get too comfortable.

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