How to Make the Most of Your Long Flight

by / 03 Dec 2015

A lot of people are very afraid of flying, and 45 minutes in a steel tube hurtling at 33,000ft is enough to turn the most of them into jelly-limbed individuals with bellies full of butterflies on a rampage. But even if you are not scared of flying, staying in a single position for an hour can prove very tasking for even the best of us. What happens when we embark on long flights then? Some flights such as Nigeria – Tokyo can take as long as 21 hours minus the connection. So what do you do when you are on a flight that long?

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Book First Class or do The Next Best Thing

Booking first class is the best way to ensure you get the most comfort out of your long flight. However, first class usually costs quite a penny, so here is the next best thing; find out if the airline allows lots of leg room and special amenities for the economy class. Sites like and allow you to compare seating and amenities for different airlines, so you can choose which to book for the most comfortable trip.

Pack Your own Drink or Food

If the airline allows you to come on board with your own drink or food, then by all means do so. Don’t be shy or concerned about what people would think, the flight is long and the food served in-flight may not agree with you. Packing granola bars or chocolates or other snacks that you would enjoy is a good way to make the most out of your trip.


Pack Your Carry-on Bag Right

Asides from carrying on some snacks you could eat on the flight, you should also carry-on some items you could need on the flight. These items could include documents you can peruse during the long flight in preparation for a meeting when you land. You could also read a novel or finish up on a long read you had saved to ensure you don't get bored in your trip.

Plan your trip

According to the New York Times, the Pomodoro technique which divides time into 25-minute intervals for work with tiny breaks in between is an excellent way to spend your time during a long flight, especially if you have work that needs to be done before you land. Dividing your time on the flight is an excellent way to kill time. Watching some of the in-flight movies is an excellent way to kill time. If you devote three or four hours for movies, spend a couple of hours reading a novel, another three hours napping, you find out eight or nine hours have gone by without you getting bored. You could repeat the entire sequence again if there is still time.