Genesis Center.

by / 31 Jan 2014

The name Genesis is probably the most popular on any signpost in Port Harcourt. It is the name that identifies a group of companies involved in different markets and servicing different clientele: from fast food to cinema, outdoor catering and even real estate. A simple exercise in confusion is halting a taxi driver in the city and asking him – or her, let’s be politically correct – to take you to Genesis. He/she would reply by asking you another question ‘Is it the one at Trans Amadi (bakery), Woji (hotel), or Rumukwurusi (fast food)? ‘

Let me help you answer this question.

On Tombia Street, GRA Phase II, is the Genesis Center, an imposing center that even though big is welcoming. If you visit during yuletide, the decorations alone may be enough to look at for a day’s

visit. The center is a five-storey building and is built to make you stay, and not want to leave; the ideal mall, really. The main attraction is the cinema, the Genesis Deluxe Cinema (we see the name Genesis here again) and on entering the mall, the ticketing counter is the first thing you see. To the left of the door are employees who help you with enquiries so you feel more comfortable in the building.

Apart from the cinema, the center boasts an impressive restaurant with an equally impressive menu with national and international cuisine on offer, as well as pseudo-meals (everybody loves Pizza and Shawarma, after all). The restaurant is also a good place to wait for a movie, or hang out with friends and family. The center also has a Swatch shop, known for their regular promotions and free gift-wrapping, other jewelry, clothing and shoe shops also abound with quality material.

The motto of the mall is ‘Eat. Shop. Play.’, so play areas are not in short supply. At the back of the mall, is a fairly big play ground for kids, complete with swings, merry-go-rounds and all the other additions. Th