5 iconic animals of Nigeria

by / 01 Dec 2015

If you love animals, especially the rare and exotic kind, Nigeria should be one of those places you should be thinking of visiting during your next holiday. The country boasts of an unusual collection of beautiful animals which are indigenous to the country. With over 9000 kmsq, it is amazing that no matter the region of the country you are in, you could always find an iconic animal.

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The African Elephant

The African elephant is one of the most iconic animals in the world. Known and appreciated for its majestic appearance, sociable nature and loyalty, it is also one of the rarest animals in the world due to the poaching by ivory hunters and elephant skinners. In the Yankari Game Reserve and Omo-Shasah-Oluwa Reserve in Northern Nigeria, these elephants can be found roaming in large herds. Tourists and visitors are allowed to view the animals but from a protected distance for the animals sake as they are now endangered.

The Saddle-billed Stork

This is one of the most beautiful birds in Nigeria. Distinctly recognizable with its bright plumage and large bill, this stork has no muscle in its voice box and so communicates by clicking its bill. It can be found on the lakes at the Yankari Game reserve.

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Dunger’s File snake

This snake is indigenous to Nigeria and can only be found at Korup National Park in the highlands between Nigeria and Cameroon. The snake is recognized for its scaly hide which is unusual. The scaly portions are separated by portions of naked skin giving it a pattern that is nothing short of peculiar.

Here's a travel tip post on how to travel with pet within or outside Nigeria.

Preuss’s Guenon

This monkey is a very iconic monkey which in many parts of Eastern Nigeria is revered and even worshipped. It has a dark colouration with a very white beard, giving it the visage of an old black man, which is perhaps the reason for the reverence accorded this monkey. It can be found in the rainforests of Nigeria and due to its endangered nature it is bred in captivity at the Centre for Education, Rehabilitation and Conservation of Primates and Nature (CERCOPAN), Cross River, Nigeria. Slater’s Guenon is a close relative, also with the white beard, but with a different coloured head, also found at CERCOPAN.

African Ostrich

If you have never seen an ostrich, then you are missing out. The largest bird in the world, the African ostrich grows up to 2.8m tall, that’s over 7 ft tall. Don’t be fooled by its ungainly appearance, this bird can also run at 60 kmph which is faster than the average speed of a leopard. It is common to see flocks of this large, majestic bird parading the Guinea savannahs of Nigeria.

There are so many more iconic animals that can be found in Nigeria, from mandrills to leopards, parrots, ibises and pink flamingoes. Visit Nigeria and you would find that in every region, nature reaches out with beauty and peculiar suspense.

By the way, you might want to check out this exciting post on affordable hotels in Abuja.