Sultan of Sokoto Palace
Type Of People Who Visit
Located opposite the city, the Palace is a cultural and traditional museum where relics from eras of former Sultans are displayed. The physical structures make one imagine the unique architectural prowess of the people during the time of the Caliphate overlordship.
Things To Do
["Go sight-seeing","Pay homage to the Sultan"]
Reason For Loving Place
As home to the spiritual leader of the Muslim community in Nigeria, it is an accommodating attraction center. Everything in it displays grandeur, from the palace guards fitted in multi-colored regalia and robes to the Sultan's famous trumpeters who perform praises for the Sultan during special ceremonies.
Safety Tips
["Go with a tour guide or local to know your Do's and Don't's"]
Reason To Recommend Place
Join a tour party and marvel at the sights and culture displayed with fellow tourists and non-indigenes. Islam is the practiced religion so there will be other Muslims on the palace grounds.
What To Bring
["A head shawl","Camera to capture your visit"]
Ways Of Travel
By car and motorbike