Okuta Ilorin
Idi-Ape Area of Ilorin
Okuta Ilorin was established in 16th century, Built by in 16th century.
Long ago before the invention of sharpening steels for knives. a man known as Ojo Isekuse who was one of the founding fathers of Ilorin deviced a method for sharpening his knives with the use of a stone. It was from the activity of the knive sharpening that the name of the town Ilorin was formed.
Type Of People Who Visit
Historians, Curators, Archaeologists.
Quote About Place
[" Ilorin is infact a shortened form of \u201cIlo-irin\u201d (object for grinding metal)- Our tour guide to us."]
Reason For Loving Place
It is an historical site for the people of Ilorin.
Things To Do
["Take a landscape picture","Enjoy the ambience."]
What To Bring
["Mats","Climbing gear"]
Reason To Recommend Place
To go and see where Ilorin got its name from
Nice Things About Place
The historical significance it represents.
Historical Incidence
["The site is notable as the origin of the name of the town of Ilorin."]