Restaurants . 02 May 2017 .

Spice Bowl Restaurant

1 Udeco Medical Road, Opposite Chevron Office, Chevy Estate, Lekki
Spice Bowl Restaurant was established in , Built by in .
Proudly displaying a large pepper in their logo, Spice Bowl Restaurant is for the bold and daring. Come in ready for some spicy and saucy food to prove how adventurous your palate is.

Reason To Recommend Place

Pop in and enjoy the free appetizers served while your main order is being freshly prepared.


["Mandarin Fried Rice with Shredded Beef","Spicy Prawn Tempura"]

Quote About Place

["My food was delicious and the staff were courteous - Sandra Gboneme","Just had a delivery from spice bowl, delivery time was quite timely - Yobe"]

Reason For Loving Place

A choice food outlet, this 'Afro-Asian' restaurant dishes mouth watering and satisfying local and Asian cuisine that leaves a mark with you. With their improved service and adherence to restaurant traditions, Spice Bowl Restaurant have gotten a lot of positive reviews and regulars over the years.

Nice Things About Place

Boasting a moderately priced and inventive menu, this perfectly lighted restaurant is a recommended spot to walk in with your friends and have a lovely meal over talks.

Longitude: 3.529666
Platform: places
Address: 1 Udeco Medical Road, Opposite Chevron Office, Chevy Estate, Lekki
Location name: Lagos
Reason to recommend place: Pop in and enjoy the free appetizers served while your main order is being freshly prepared.
Latitude: 6.443365
Security: 3
Food: ["Mandarin Fried Rice with Shredded Beef","Spicy Prawn Tempura"]
Quote about place: ["My food was delicious and the staff were courteous - Sandra Gboneme","Just had a delivery from spice bowl, delivery time was quite timely - Yobe"]
Age limit:
Reason for loving place: A choice food outlet, this 'Afro-Asian' restaurant dishes mouth watering and satisfying local and Asian cuisine that leaves a mark with you. With their improved service and adherence to restaurant traditions, Spice Bowl Restaurant have gotten a lot of positive reviews and regulars over the years.
Nice things about place: Boasting a moderately priced and inventive menu, this perfectly lighted restaurant is a recommended spot to walk in with your friends and have a lovely meal over talks.
Unknown: None


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