Immaculate Conception College

Immaculate Conception College was established in 1944, Built by Catholic mission in 1944.
ICC is a Catholic Secondary Institution, guided by the Christian principles of wholistic inter personal training and a preparatory ground for further education. Immaculate Conception College (ICC), Benin has been running since 1944 in Nigeria.
Type Of People Who Visit
Catholic missionaries, students, teachers and scholars in general
Reason To Recommend Place
Its a school of high esteem guided by christian values. There is a good fusion between academics an religion here
Reason For Loving Place
The environment is highly serene for an effective academic activity.
Safety Tips
["unnecessary wandering is highly frowned at in and around this place. However, visitors must be absolutely sure of where they are going to avoid the prospect of loitering"]
What To Bring
["Study materials"]
Ways Of Travel
Largely by car, The usage of commercial tricycles as well as commercial bikes is encouraged for easy movement as well.