Arthouse Contemporary Limited, Lagos.

36 Cameron Road, Ikoyi

Arthouse Contemporary Limited Description

About Arthouse Contemporary Limited

The Arthouse Foundation is a non-profit organisation that aims to encourage the creative development of contemporary art in Nigeria. Founded in 2007, Arthouse Contemporary is an international auction house that specialises in modern and contemporary art from West Africa. Arthouse Contemporary aims to create awareness of the scope of contemporary art in the region, encourage international recognition towards its talented artists and strengthen the economy of its art market.


This is a relatively safe location.

Things to Do

While at Arthouse Contemporary Limited, you can attend exhibitions and open houses, buy beautiful works of art during in an auction or simply just appreciate the creativity of the artists and the art they produce.

What to Bring

Before heading to Arthouse Contemporary Limited, here is a list of helpful things to take along with you; cash or debit/credit cards to buy during an auction, a friend or group of friends to make the experience worthwhile, an open mind.

Best Features

The beauty of the variety of art on show keeps you asking for more.

Best Time to Visit Arthouse Contemporary Limited

The best time to visit Arthouse Contemporary Limited is during when there is an auction, exhibition or a workshop.

Popular Events at Arthouse Contemporary Limited

Events like oil painting workshop, collage workshop, open studios, photography workshop, text and contours; are events art enthusiasts look forward to.

Most Common Visitors

The most common people you will find here are; artists, painters and art enthusiasts. 

Why You Should Visit

Grab a beautiful piece of art to decorate your home or office.

Explore art





36 Cameron Road, Ikoyi

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