Reviews of Hill Station Hotel

10 tudun wada road,

Hill Station Hotel
Hill Station Hotel
Hill Station Hotel
Hill Station Hotel
Hill Station Hotel
Hill Station Hotel
Hill Station Hotel

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Guest Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

Zero Service

by on 15 January, 2014


The hotel looks empty. They had no room service and cleanliness was zero.

Inconsitent power

by Mr. Abubakar on 24 April, 2017


The problem at the hotel is a recurring one across many hotels. Electricity wasn't steady. Like I said, many hotels seem to have this problem but my stay was alright in spite of this.

No light

by Mr. Samuel Agarry on 08 April, 2015


I was so disappointed because I could get light at the hotel. Anyway I moved on by searching for another hotel. It is just a pointer for your to work on.

Not as expected!

by Mr. Abubakar on 28 April, 2017


My stay did not go well at the hotel as I expected, considering the amount paid. The power supply was not constant. The management of the hotel needs to improve more on the facilities especially the room, it was not all that comfortable.

Below Expectations

by on 10 October, 2013


Hotel was totally below what I expected, electricity was not constant, television in the room was not functioning and to make situation worse there was no restaurant so I had to go out to eat. The location was more like a ghost town, it was not a pleasant experience.


by on 14 November, 2013


I had issues with the electricity supply, it seemed like they did not have a standby generator because there was no light almost all through my stay there. Their food was not okay and the restaurant was not well organised. The intercom in the room was not working and I had to keep going out for every service that I required.