Reviews of Crystal Garden Hotel

103 isa kaita road, p. o. box 7048, unguwar rimi

Crystal Garden Hotel

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Guest Reviews

Based on 4 reviews


by Mr. Stephen Ariong on 21 November, 2017

Very Good8.8

My stay was okay at the hotel. The environment was cool and serene. My room was quite clean. The staff were nice, polite and efficient. The facilities worked well except the shower which was faulty. There was no water heater available in the bathroom.

Not Great

by Abubakar on 10 May, 2016

Very Good6

I am sad a hotel like this exist, the location is awesome but the services and facilities are totally off it.They had no water,water was brought in bucket for me!they ran out of diesel it was blackout throughout.It wasnt just worth the amount at all.Everything has to done right in the hotel,from restructuring to implementing of good services

It was okay

by Faisal on 01 September, 2014

Very Good8

No problem with the hotel


by Bode on 03 June, 2016

Very Good6.8

The Hotel was okay. My major issue I had with the Hotel was that the internet did not work. I did not feel as if i got value for my money. The Shower at the Hotel did not also work, we had to bathe with bucket. Asides that, everything else is okay.