Reviews of Days Inn & Towers Hotel

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Days Inn & Towers Hotel
Days Inn & Towers Hotel
Days Inn & Towers Hotel
Days Inn & Towers Hotel
Days Inn & Towers Hotel
Days Inn & Towers Hotel
Days Inn & Towers Hotel
Days Inn & Towers Hotel

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Guest Reviews

Based on 3 reviews


by Theodore Adebiyi on 13 August, 2015

Very Good6.4

Your hotel was great in the aspect of neatness and the room was well organized, but there is so much improvement that needs to be done, there is the need for access to more television channels for people staying for more than one night and longer stay, and also for more staff to be employed. I noticed that when you needed something its takes a long time to get that done, its either there are no much hands to get that done, with more people things will be done on time and more customer can be taken care of fast, I will like for your hotel to put this in place.


by Evelyn on 18 February, 2015

Very Good6.8

It was a nice stay with your hotel. Just that I am not satisfied with the room when I compare it with the price I got it.


by Mr. Babatunde Onikoyi on 25 March, 2015

Very Good6.4

I was alright and safe in your hotel. The place was fine and I enjoyed my travel this time in this inn.