Reviews of Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd

Rayfield zaramaganda road

Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd
Emerald Resort And Gardens Ltd

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Guest Reviews

Based on 1 review

Terrible stay, rude staff

by Mrs. Olufummilayo on 15 May, 2017


The alleged manager of the hotel was quite rude to a friend that came with me. I don't have an idea why someone would act like that. I wasn't served breakfast at the hotel too. I don't see myself coming over again.