Reviews of Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos

22 oba yusuf way oniru,

Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos
Villa Toscana Hotels, Lagos

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I certify that this review is based on my own experience and is my genuine opinion of this hotel, and that I have no personal or business relationship with this establishment, and have not been offered any incentive or payment originating from the establishment to write this review. I understand that has a zero-tolerance policy on fake reviews.

Guest Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

Amazing stay

by Omolara on 17 November, 2021


My stay was awesome, the heater was working very well, the room was good for that price, but was asked to make another payment at the hotel which was a little hectic but sorted out smoothly.

Nice Hotel

by Kerry on 14 June, 2017


I had a really great time at the hotel. The hotel is spacious with ample parking space. There was uninterrupted power and water supply all through my stay. The water heater worked properly and the toiletries were made available. Their food was affordable and tasty and the staff were courteous and efficient. Room service was excellent. I will surely choose Villa Toscana Hotels when next I'm in Lagos.