How to properly self-isolate; things you should know

by Rebecca / 24 Mar 2020

You will need to self-isolate if you have coronavirus or have?symptoms of coronavirus. This could be before you get tested for coronavirus, while you wait for test results or when a positive result is confirmed. Irrespective of your condition, ensure that you maintain proper hygiene.

Things to do

Stay at home, in a well-ventilated room.

Keep away from others in your home as much as you can.

Check your symptoms and call a doctor if they get worse.

Cover your coughs and sneezes using a tissue or into your cupped elbow.

Wash your hands properly and often.

Use your own towel - do not share a towel with others.

You may find it helps to stay in touch with friends or relatives by phone or on social media. 

Clean your room every day with a household cleaner or disinfectant.

If you can, use a toilet and bathroom that no one else in the house uses.

Keep yourself mobile by getting up and moving around as much as possible.

Stay hydrated and try to avoid alcohol if you are not feeling well.

If possible, have someone leave your food on a tray at your bedroom door. When you have finished, leave everything on the tray at the door. This should be collected and put in a dishwasher and hands washed properly afterward.

If you don't have a dishwasher:

It's OK for friends, family or delivery drivers to drop off food or supplies. Make sure you're not in the same room as them, when they do.?

Things to Avoid

Do not go to work, school, religious services or public areas.

Do not share your things.

Do not use public transport or taxis.

Do not invite visitors to your home.

Keep away from older people, anyone with long-term medical conditions and pregnant women.

If you have to share a bathroom with others, use the bathroom last and then clean it thoroughly.

Do not share any items you?ve used with other people.

Things you should not share include:

Self-isolation can be boring or frustrating. It may affect your mood and feelings. You may feel low, worried or have problems sleeping.

?This here should help with the boredom