HNG Internship 4 ends - all the things you want to know

by Yemi Johnson / 03 Jul 2018 The HNG internship is a 3-month remote internship program designed to locate the most talented software developers in Nigeria and the whole of Africa and help them rapidly improve their skills. After almost 3 months of an intense adventure, we have ended the 4th iteration of the HNG Internship. The HNG Internship is a software development and design internship by, and this iteration was done in partnership with Oracle, Figma and Bluechip Technologies. The goal is to find the most talented designers and developers in Africa. The way it works is that there is a giant slack channel - in this internship, 8,000 people registered and 3,000 were active on Slack - and each week coding and design tasks are given. Those who succeed at the tasks remain, while those who do not are removed from the channel. The tasks get harder and harder, with the final tasks being very complex. The idea is that this method allows the very best, and fastest learners to remain till the end, while introducing a lot of tools and techniques to those who do not make it to the end. All the interns are paid as they work, right from the start. This ensures that everyone can provide power, internet and other neccessities, and nobody is unduly disadvantaged. In addition to this, we partnered with 15 hubs and co-working spaces where the interns could be. We worked on Git using Github, PHP with LaravelMySQLOracle JET and all design was done using Figma. 3,000+ people started with us on Slack, and only 28 people completed it. These are some of the best upcoming talents in Nigeria.   Analytics___HNG_Internship_4_Slack   Interns that participated in the program loved it and they shared feedback everywhere on the internet. Some of the interns that joined us for the 4th internship came in because of their friends that raved about the earlier internships. HNGInternshipEmail   internshipfeedback   A lot of the feedback came in via Twitter and medium   People's reaction to being disabled internship reviews   internship2   internship3   A list of all designers, front-end devs, back-end devs, and project managers that made it to the finals can be found here