Explore the City of Lagos

by / 24 Oct 2015

How can you conquer Lagos? Lagos has become a mega city that is compared to London, New York and many other busy cities around the world. No one would tell you that you are going to spend time on road because of the traffic grid that is a common thing in the city. To move around the city can be tricky, which is the reason why you should know how to do so with ease. We know exactly how you can explore the city of Lagos.

Feel the City through Walking

Walking? Yes, there are some parts of Lagos that you may love to walk to. We are talking about along the Marina. When you walk, it would be easier for you to see what the city ready looks like especially around the area you are walking. While doing this, do not attract attention to yourself with flashy stuffs on you. You might as well want to check out hotels in Lagos that are close to the Marina.

Escape with Okada

The Okada riders in Lagos who make use of bikes know the best route to take when everywhere seemed blocked. They are not expensive to use and would take you to your destination within a short time. It is not everywhere that you would see these guys. It is best you stay away from them on rainy days and the night if you are new to the city.

Travel Cheap With Keke Marwa

Keke Marwa is what tricycles are called in Lagos. There are cheap and you can save yourself the burden of getting beaten by rain or the scorched sun of Lagos. It is an alternative to taxi but it is not everywhere that they may take you to in Lagos. They have their own limitations just like the Okada riders.

Escape the Crowd with Taxi Cabs

Taxi cabs are the perfect choice for those who want to travel with ease and a little luxury. If you are moving in a group, that may be the perfect choice for you guys. There is no restriction on where these cabs can be seen in Lagos. Do not accept any type of crazy fare that some of the drivers may demand from you. You should ask questions about the cost of fare to different parts of Lagos from where you are to avoid been cheated.

Have an Experience with the Molue

The Molue which is the yellow buses are legendary. Some called them Danfo, there are overcrowded, overloaded, old and usually rickety. The conductors and drivers are often wild and it is best you respect yourself and be mindful of your things while in this bus.

Ride in Style with BRT Buses

One perfect way of escaping the most terrible traffic grids in the city is when you make use of the BRT buses. These buses have special lanes that no other motorist make use of. It runs between the Lagos Island and the mainland. One place where you can never find a rush in Lagos is with these buses.

Feel with the water with a Ferry

This is not a popular type of transport in Lagos even though there are lots of waterways in the city. You can find ferry routes that would take around Lagos, though they are not regular. Do not forget your lifejacket when entering these ferries. You can as well explore some hotels in Lagos with ferries – especially those that are on the Island.

Take a Luxury Train Ride

If you ever take a train ride in Lagos, you may always want to travel with It. The newer trains are better and faster. There are a few number of hotels in Lagos that are along the railway lines as well.

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