Uncategorised . 14 Mar 2014 . Jane

Tips to overcome the fear of flying

  1. Meet the crew. If there’s time before your flight, ask to meet the pilot of your plane. Alternatively, get friendly and spend some time chatting with a flight attendant. Often, meeting the folks who hold your safety in their hands can make the plane seem more comfortable for you and reassure you that the crew is knowledgeable and competent.

  2. It is said that music relaxes the mind. Bring your MP3 player or ipod and play some soothing music to help get you into a peaceful frame of mind.

  3. Remind yourself who’s in charge. Many fearful fliers are bothered by their perceived lack of control, since they have no influence over the safety or performance of the aircraft. Try to regain a little control by reminding yourself that you made the decision to fly, and that you can decide how you respond to the experience.

  4. Breathe in, breathe out. As anxiety increases, your breathing may get shallow — but deep breathing is an instant stress relieved. Breathe slowly and deeply for a count of 5 or 10.

  5. Chat with your co-passenger, read, watch something fun. Pack a magazine or a good book to take your mind off what’s happening. Order up a comedy on your plane’s in-flight entertainment system, or pre-load a few of your favourite flicks onto your laptop.

  6. Have a drink. Many frightened fliers turn to alcohol to calm their nerves. While this is fine in moderation, keep in mind that alcohol should not be combined with anti-anxiety medications. Also, alcohol can contribute to dehydration, particularly in the arid environment of an air plane; if you do treat yourself to a cocktail, be sure to follow it up with plenty of water.

  7. Avoid caffeine. This and other stimulants can make you even more jittery.

  8. Go with the flow. Turn on the air vents above your head as soon as you board; the flow of air will help you feel less claustrophobic.

Platform: travel


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